وكالات صناعية
مخرطة مصممة لمعالجة أنواع مختلفة من الأعمدة والاسطح والتروس

The lathe is designed to process various kinds of shafts, surface and gears.
Max. machining diameter
On bed 400㎜
On shorting notch 600㎜
On carriage 220㎜
Distance between two centre 1 000㎜
Spindle rotary gear 12gear
Spindle revolution 32~1 600rpm
Spindle taper hole size Morse No.6
Spindle pass hole dia. 56㎜
Cross-saddle travel distance 220㎜
Top saddle travel distance 130㎜
Installing tool size 20×20㎜
Tail st℃k
Tail spindle diameter 58㎜
Taper hole size Morse No.4
Tail spindle travel distance 150㎜
Longitudinal feed (gear no.) 32gear
Longitudinal feed (range) 0.05~0.7㎜/min
Cross feed (gear no.) 32gear
Cross feed (range) 0.025~0.35㎜/min
Meter screw 21 kinds 0.5~7㎜
Inch screw 32 kinds 56~4tpi
Modular screw 21 kinds 0.5~7㎜
DP screw 32 kinds 51~4DP
Motor power
Main motor 5.5/3.7㎾ 4/6p
Cooling water motor 0.22㎾/2p
Machine size 2 324×894×1 288 ㎜
Machine weight 1 570kg