Press Statement by Chief of Policy Office of DPRK Ministry of National Defence

Press Statement by Chief of Policy Office of
DPRK Ministry of National Defence
Pyongyang, February 15 (KCNA) -- The chief of the Policy Office of the Ministry of
National Defence of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea Saturday issued the
following press statement titled "The DPRK's bolstering of its self-defensive
capabilities is an essential requirement for deterring rivals' ever-increasing various
provocative attempts and ensuring the security of the state":
Some days ago, the commander of the U.S. Northern Command said that the DPRK
has secured the capability to strike the whole of North America with nukes, adding
that the DPRK's ICBM forces are posing a threat to the security of the U.S. mainland
and its missile defense system.
The U.S. is bringing a serious threat to the security environment of the Korean
peninsula and the rest of the world while seeking reckless arms buildup and radical
modernization of nuclear force. Therefore, the U.S. talking about the "threat" from
someone is a brigandish sophism like a guilty party filing the suit first, making
profound confusing of right and wrong.
The strategic armed forces of the DPRK are the ones for defence to guarantee the
security of the state and the strategic balance of the region.
The U.S. describing this as a "threat" only proves that it is hostile to the DPRK.
We express serious concern over the U.S. military's confrontational behavior to build
up public opinion about the non-existent "threat" from the DPRK and justify the
adventurous military ambition to gain the superiority of strength in the region under
its pretext.
The present U.S. administration is advocating the establishment of an offensive
missile defense system aimed at preemptive attack on other countries and
weaponization of outer space under the pretext of defending its mainland. Timed to
coincide with this, the commander of the U.S. Northern Command is talking about
"the threat from the DPRK". This clearly shows what its real purpose is.
Shortly ago, the U.S. nuclear submarine openly entered the Korean peninsula,
interested persons of the U.S. Space Force conspired with the Japanese and the
ROK military gangsters to share information for detecting the ballistic missiles of the
DPRK and conduct joint space exercises and the U.S. and the ROK militaries are
planning to enforce the large-scale war drill Freedom Shield in March. All these facts
become a good reason for the DPRK's bolstering of its corresponding defence
capabilities to cope with the escalating military threat by rival states.
If the U.S. has real concern about the security of its mainland, the only way to
remove it is to thoroughly abandon its military threat and hostile policy toward
independent and sovereign states.
It is the just self-defensive right of a sovereign state to steadily develop the self-
defence capability capable of effectively containing all the security threats of the
present and future and ensuring the security of the state and the strategic balance of
the region.
The armed forces of the DPRK will as ever fully deter and control all kinds of
challenges and threats from its rival countries by dint of powerful self-defence
capability and faithfully discharge their mission for reliably defending peace and
stability on the Korean peninsula and in the region. -0-