Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Pays Congratulatory Visit to Ministry of National Defence on Day of KPA Founding

Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Pays
Congratulatory Visit to Ministry of National
Defence on Day of KPA Founding
Pyongyang, February 9 (KCNA) -- The heroic Korean People's Army, which has
remained faithful to its sacred mission of firmly defending the sovereignty and
security of the state and safeguarding the well-being and happiness of the beloved
people with the image of the dignified Workers' Party of Korea embroidered on the
glorious colours, is now greeting its proud 77th founding anniversary along with its
undying honor, while recording another year of victory and miracles in the history of
army building.
The KPA, the ever-victorious elite ranks, is the most powerful strength and great
pride of our Party and people as it has kept deep in mind the creed and faith "for our
great Party, for our great state and for our great people" and is winning victory after
victory for the country and revolution with the peculiar outlook on the revolution,
transparent patriotic spirit, matchless heroism and devoted service of pursuing the
greatest honour and glory only on the road of remaining faithful to the creed and
Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and president of
the State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, paid a congratulatory
visit to the Ministry of National Defence of the DPRK on Feb. 8, the 77th founding
anniversary of the Korean People's Army to encourage the service personnel.
The participants were filled with great emotion and joy of meeting the great illustrious
commander, who has trained the KPA into a large contingent of brave service
personnel invariably shining in the vanguard of the era and led them to the vigorous
victory and glory with his firmest trust and love and, at the highest command organ of
the armed forces of the DPRK on the significant day of army building.
Colours of victory symbolic of honour of all services and corps, combined units and
units at all levels of the KPA were lined up for the glorious moment.
When the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un arrived at the Ministry of National
Defence, the service personnel of the KPA broke into stormy cheers of "Hurrah!"
looking up to the invincible and iron-willed commander who ushered in a heyday of
bolstering up the revolutionary armed forces with his outstanding idea of army
building and matchless commanding art and added luster to the noble name of the
KPA with victory and glory.
A solemn ceremony of greeting the head of state took place.
After receiving a salute from the head of the guard of honour of the KPA, Kim Jong
Un reviewed the guard of honour and the glorious colours of the three services.
He was courteously greeted by No Kwang Chol, Jong Kyong Thaek, Ri Yong Gil and
other leading commanding officers of the ministry and military and political cadres of
the KPA large combined units.
There took place a march-past of the guard of honour of the KPA.
Kim Jong Un met military and political commanding officers at all levels of the
Ministry of National Defence and the KPA and made a meaningful speech in
commemoration of the Day of Army Founding.
Paying deep respects to the heroic mettle and noble revolutionary spirit of the KPA
which is proudly recording the history of the fierce struggle in every eye-opening
event and miracle in all parts of the country, flying the ever-victorious and glorious
colours, he extended warm congratulations and militant greetings to the generals,
officers and soldiers of the KPA who are devoting all their precious blood and sweat
to carrying out the huge important tasks of the revolution.
He highly appreciated the great reputation and glory of the KPA which has won
legendary victories and performed miracles with its unique spirit and noble soul
remaining always true to the sacred call the army of the Party and the leader, and
praised the distinguished services and feats of the service personnel of the KPA who
are striving to firmly defend the happiness and peace of the country and build a more
powerful future.
Summarizing the features of the world-wide changes in political, military and
geopolitical structure including the surrounding environment of the state, he stressed
the need to more highly develop the war response posture of the DPRK's armed
forces to proactively cope with any variable security situation.
He stressed that the U.S. nuclear strategic means constantly deployed on the
Korean peninsula, the U.S.-led bilateral and multiple nuclear war simulation
exercises staged on the level of actual war, the U.S.-Japan-ROK tripartite military
alliance system established under the U.S. regional military bloc scenario and the
formation of NATO of Asian version as its axis are inviting military imbalance on the
Korean peninsula and in Northeast Asia, causing a basic factor in building a new
conflicting structure and raising a grave challenge to the security environment of our
Noting that it is the correct answer to tell those who worship the predominance of
power with the language they can understand only, he clarified that the DPRK does
not want unnecessary tension of the regional situation but will take sustained
countermeasures to ensure the regional military balance out of the aspiration for
preventing the outbreak of a new war and ensuring peace and security on the
Korean peninsula.
The Middle East crisis including the Gaza Strip and Syria and the issue of Ukraine,
which have been the scenes of global geopolitical conflicts and confrontation last
year, are expected to flow as the main axis of the tense international situation trend
this year, too, he said, adding that the geopolitical crises brought about by the U.S. in
different parts of the world are further increasing the danger of the outbreak of a new
world war and having a serious influence on not only international peace and
security but also all other spheres of human activities.
Noting that the U.S. is standing in the center behind the scene of the war machine
which is stirring up the tragic situation of Ukraine that has lasted for three years as
the former is attaching a fixed name as the wrecker of global peace and stability,
hallucinated by the wild ambition for establishing unipolar hegemony, he expressed
serious concern over the reckless behaviors of the U.S. and Western group
intentionally fostering the prolonged war from the unrealizable dream to deal
strategic setbacks to Russia.
It is the invariable stand of the DPRK government to oppose and reject any act of
denying the international justice and disturbing global peace and security, he said,
adding that the army and people of the DPRK will invariably support and encourage
the just cause of the Russian army and people to defend their sovereignty, security
and territorial integrity in keeping with the spirit of the treaty on the comprehensive
strategic partnership between the DPRK and Russia.
Noting that the black shadows of the U.S. which is standing unfailingly behind the
world's big and small disputes and tragedies of bloodshed at present prove that the
line of our Party and government aspiring after the building of an unlimited defence
capability is most just, he said that the revolutionary armed forces of the DPRK
should always and practically be faithful to their supreme duty to defend the
Constitution of the DPRK and the state and people.
Referring to a series of new plans for rapidly bolstering all deterrences including
nuclear forces, he clarified once again the unshakable policy of more highly
developing the nuclear forces.
Pointing out that the future of the KPA, the pride of our great people and symbol of
the honor and strength of our state, importantly just depends mainly on the
commanding officers, he stressed that it is important for the KPA to consistently hold
fast to and more thoroughly apply the issue of making the army politically,
ideologically and morally stronger, before anything else, and in this regard it is
particularly important to train our service personnel into the fighters strong in
ideology and faith full of the correct understanding of the enemy and the steadfast
outlook on the enemy.
He set forth important tasks which serve as the guidelines for further strengthening
the KPA into the matchless revolutionary army, including the issue of making this
year a year of training by further kindling the flames of the training revolution on the
principle of raising the combat capability of the KPA to the highest level, the issue of
making war preparations more thoroughly as required by modern warfare and the
issue of waging a fierce struggle to establish the steel-like order and sound military
Expressing belief that the glorious history of struggle and feats of the heroic KPA
boundlessly loyal to the Party, the country and the people would record the more
exciting and noble events in the course of the growth and development of our eternal
and powerful state, he ardently called for continuing to fight courageously for the
dignity and great might of the DPRK and for the peace and happiness of our beloved
The precious instructions of the great brilliant commander that clarified the grand
policy for army building that led the brilliant history of the revolutionary armed forces
to eternal victory and glory made the military and political commanding officers run
high with boundless emotion.
When Kim Jong Un finished his speech, the participants raised the enthusiastic
cheers of "Hurrah!"
All the commanding officers were filled with the firm faith and militant enthusiasm to
remain faithful to the mission and duty as the army of the Party, the army of the
leader and the genuine army of the people to the last for the great Comrade Kim
Jong Un, for the prosperity of our great state and for the happiness and peace of
our great people.
Kim Jong Un had a photo session with the commanding officers of the Ministry of
National Defence, soldiers of sub-units under it and military and political
commanding officers of units of the services and large combined units at all levels of
the KPA and combined units and units belonging to them in commemoration of his
visit to the ministry.
When he appeared at the venue of the photo session, all the participants paid the
highest glory and tribute to the great brilliant commander who is training the KPA into
the most powerful entity in the world overwhelmingly winning any formidable enemy
ideologically and mentally, militarily and technically and the patriotic vanguard
advancing bravely, taking any missions for the prosperity and development of the
country, through his ceaseless undying guidance at the army.
He said that although the days of army founding and war victory to be specially
recorded in the history of the struggle of the revolutionary armed forces are
becoming far away with the passage of time, we will always remember the spirit and
breath of the revolutionary forerunners, who provided the origin of the tradition of
eternal victory of heroic Korea, an independent power, and laid the cornerstone of
building a rich country with strong army through ever-victorious tradition.
He said that we should proudly write an honorable new history of our generation by
performing miraculous feats and creating wonderful myths beyond precedent and
limit, shouldering upon ourselves the honour of our times and our army.
He expressed expectation and belief that the commanding officers of the KPA would
always demonstrate its undying fame in the sacred war for defending the Party and
the revolution and safeguarding the territory and people with their unique pride,
strong self-respect and indomitable fighting spirit of guaranteeing the most just cause
in the world with arms, being deeply aware of their important task to glorify the great
pioneering with greater succession.
Resounded far and wide in the sky of February were the stormy shouts "Kim Jong
Un" and "Death-defying defence" raised by all the participants in reflection of their
firm pledge to vigorously glorify with distinguished services of our generation the
heroic history and tradition of the KPA which has performed brilliant feats in the
history of the country following the great Party.
Kim Jong Un's visit to the Ministry of National Defence will be recorded long in
history as a sacred one which further highlighted the noble mission of the
revolutionary armed forces of the DPRK to firmly guarantee the sure victory of the
DPRK with arms and vigorously propel the grand all-people advance for overall
national prosperity with the ardent pioneering spirit and indomitable mettle. -0-