وكالات طبية
عسل بالجنسيج والاعشاب الطبية «لمرضى القلب والزهايمر والضعف الجنسي والضعف العام»
2020-01-18 14:38:52
It is made by putting in honey the Kaesong Koryo Insam, a specialty of Korea which has been well-known from olden times as the king of medicinal herbs.
It combines the physiological effects of Koryo insam that is known asa a cure-all with the efficacy of honey that is well absorbed as it is a good source of energy.
The restorative is efficacious for general prostration before and after childbirth, heart diseases, metabolic disorders, failure of memory, insomnia, decline in sexuality, anemia, senility, etc.
Insam honey is an ideal health food for healthy and infirm persons as well as athletes.
Take 2-3g of Insam and 20-30g of honey twice or thrice a day on an empty stomach.