سفارة جمهورية كوريا الديمقراطية الشعبية


Press Statement of DPRK Foreign Ministry Spokesman

2024-07-13 12:17:24
Press Statement of DPRK Foreign Ministry Spokesman
Press Statement of DPRK Foreign Ministry Spokesman

Press Statement of DPRK Foreign Ministry Spokesman
Pyongyang, July 13 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Foreign Ministry of the Democratic
People's Republic of Korea issued the following press statement under the title "We will deter
the looming serious threat with tougher strategic counteraction" on Friday:
The U.S. revealed its sinister intention to further strengthen the collusion and nexus between
NATO and its allies in the Asia-Pacific region, terming the just and legitimate exercise of
sovereignty of the independent states including the DPRK a "threat" at the NATO summit
held in Washington.
The "Washington Summit Declaration", cooked up and made public on July 10, goes to
prove that the U.S. and NATO, reduced to a tool for its confrontation, pose the most serious
threat to the global peace and security.
The DPRK Foreign Ministry most strongly denounces and rejects the "declaration", an illegal
document that violates the legitimate rights of independent sovereign states and a
confrontational programme that incites new Cold War and military confrontation on a global
The U.S. moves to expand military blocs are the vicious root cause of seriously threatening
the regional peace, extremely exacerbating the international security environment and
sparking off worldwide arms race.
Before shifting on to other countries the responsibility for the deteriorated security in the
Europe-Atlantic, the U.S. will have to clarify who has constantly destroyed the security
environment in Europe for the past decades through NATO's reckless policy for eastward
advance and expansion.
It should also explain who has persistently tried for the last ten-odd years to inveigle the pro-
American satellite countries in Asia into NATO, before claiming that the security between the
Northern Atlantic and the Asia-Pacific is linked with each other.
We solemnly warn that NATO's strategy for "globalization", pursued by the U.S., may
certainly bring the danger of a worldwide war.
The U.S. should be held totally responsible for seriously infringing upon the sovereignty and
security interests of other countries and constantly destroying the strategic stability of the
world while wantonly violating the recognized principles of international law including respect
for sovereignty, non-interference, equality and mutual benefit.
The prevailing situation requires a new force and mode of counteraction to foil the U.S.
attempt for expanded military bloc, an urgent challenge to international peace and stability.

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea will never overlook or avoid the looming grave
threat but thoroughly deter the aggression and war threat with stronger level of strategic
counteraction and defend peace and security in the region and the rest of the world. -0-

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