سفارة جمهورية كوريا الديمقراطية الشعبية


Press Statement of Spokesperson for DPRK Foreign Ministry

2024-09-27 22:30:59
Press Statement of Spokesperson for DPRK Foreign
Press Statement of Spokesperson for DPRK Foreign

Press Statement of Spokesperson for DPRK Foreign


Pyongyang, September 25 (KCNA) -- A spokesperson for the Foreign Ministry of the
Democratic People's Republic of Korea released Tuesday the following press statement "The
signboard of 'maintaining peace and stability' can never be a lever for the U.S. to justify its
policy of inter-camp confrontation":
Recently, the U.S. slandered the DPRK's exercise of its righteous and legitimate sovereign
rights with the QUAD summit meeting as an occasion and perpetrated a grave political
provocation of inciting the atmosphere of collective pressure on the DPRK.
The White House is claiming that the meeting targets no specific nation, but the "joint
statement" fabricated and made public this time shows that QUAD is nothing but a political
and diplomatic tool serving the implementation of the U.S. strategy for uni-polar domination.
The Foreign Ministry of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea expresses serious
concern over the fact that the U.S. has become more brazen in its most hostile
confrontational attempt while wantonly violating the DPRK's rights to sovereignty and
development, and strongly denounces and rejects it.
Today, QUAD, the end product of the U.S. Cold War mentality and policy of inter-camp
confrontation, has become a dangerous factor that deepens mistrust and antagonism
between countries in the Asia-Pacific region and provokes international instability.
The U.S. tried to cover up the confrontational colors of QUAD with such rhetoric as
"tightened cooperation" in climatic change, food security and public health but it is a well-
known fact that its justification for existence and main object are to establish a U.S.-led
"rules-based international order."
This time the U.S. turned QUAD into a de facto international "maritime police organization"
under the pretext of "freedom of navigation", terming sovereign countries' exercise of
legitimate rights "threats." This clearly proves that the entity is just an appendage of
Washington's Indo-Pacific strategy.
The current U.S. administration further sticks to the anachronistic "minority" politics but it only
proves that its high-handed and arbitrary practices no longer work in the international arena
and its diplomatic platform is narrowing.
The U.S. policy of fomenting inter-camp confrontation that challenges justice and goes
against the trend of the times is a harmful root cause of exposing world peace and security to
the most serious threat.
The DPRK will never tolerate any hostile acts of encroaching upon its national sovereign
rights, security and interests but as ever make responsible efforts to establish a multi-
polarized international order based on independence and justice. -0-

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