سفارة جمهورية كوريا الديمقراطية الشعبية


Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Inspects Training Base for Special Operation Armed Force of KPA

2024-09-13 14:09:25
Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Inspects Training Ba
Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Inspects Training Ba

Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Inspects Training Base for Special

Operation Armed Force of KPA

Pyongyang, September 13 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Un, general secretary of
the Workers' Party of Korea and President of the State Affairs of the
Democratic People's Republic of Korea, inspected the training base of the
special operation armed force of the Korean People's Army (KPA) to guide
the drill of combatants on September 11.
The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un was accompanied by Marshal Pak
Jong Chon, vice-chairman of the Central Military Commission of the
Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) and secretary of the C.C., WPK, Ri Yong
Gil, chief of the KPA General Staff, Ri Chang Ho, deputy chief of the
General Staff and director of the General Reconnaissance Bureau of the
KPA, Kim Yong Bok, deputy chief of the KPA General Staff, and other
commanding officers in the field of operation and training of the KPA
General Staff.
Kim Jong Un went round various facilities of the training base to learn in
detail about the situation.
Highly appreciating the fact that all the facilities and training grounds of the
base are effectively arranged to practically conduct simulated drills for real
war so as to train strictly the combatants to be all-purpose ones, he stressed
the need for the Ministry of National Defence and the General Staff to pay
positive attention to providing conditions for further updating training
facilities and putting their operation on a scientific basis in the future.

He mounted the observation post to watch the scout and raid drills being
conducted by the combatants according to their training programme.
All the combatants have shed their sweat of loyalty and feats at training
grounds with the firm readiness to make a sudden attack on the hearts of the
enemies and open up the road of advance of the attacking units at a go when
the moment of a stern decisive battle comes. They fully demonstrated the
fighting mettle and spirit of the invincible revolutionary armed forces that
are able to really fight and surely win victory if they fight in the training
conducted in the presence of Kim Jong Un.
Watching with satisfaction the soldiers who are fully versed in the Juche-
based and modern combat methods and are sweeping the training ground
like lightning, he highly praised all the combatants for growing up to be
stout and brave one-match-for-a-hundred combatants with the revolutionary

and strong training enthusiasm and thoroughly maintaining the sure war

Saying that he felt assured and proud to see the soldiers prepared as brave
fighters like bullets, he encouraged the combatants who have grown up to be
reliable guards and passionate warriors of the KPA which is demonstrating
only victory, and had a photo session with them.
The combatants were full of boundless emotion, joy, great pride and self-
esteem, turning into enthusiastic cheers like thunder, as they received high
appreciation and great honor under the warm loving care of the invincible
and iron-willed brilliant commander.
Saying that as seen in today’s training, such competent and stalwart fighters
are needed in the KPA, he gave important instructions calling for more
firmly building up the special operation armed force of the KPA by training
possessors of a-match-for-a-hundred spirit and core combatants capable of
wiping out the enemy while courageously sweeping the battlefield where
bullets and shells rain thick and fast without an inch of hesitation in case of
When considering the mood and character of a modern war, to put forward
the well-trained and prepared special operation armed force as the main
combat force in the battlefield has an important influence on victory and
defeat, and the building of special operation armed force is an important
component in building the armed forces of the DPRK, he said, and set forth
the militant task to put main efforts into strengthening the elite Korean-style
special operation armed force by firmly holding fast to the revolution in
training, ideas and equipment.
Noting that the first task is to continue to intensify the drills for real war, he
said that as emphasized always, a lot of sweat in training is the way to shed
less blood in a war, war is not a premeditated one and, therefore, the KPA
should be fully ready to check the enemy at once and mercilessly and
completely repress them even if a war breaks out at once today, and it is the
first patriotism and loyalty to the state and people and the foremost
revolutionary duty for the soldiers to devote their all to the intensive drills
for a real war.
He said with decision that it is necessary to continue to make strict demands
in training, steadily improve the contents and methods of Korean-style
training and make full preparations for war so as to make the enemies shed
blood when they encounter with the KPA in an emergency.

Saying that it is impossible to think about the victory of the army which is
not possessed of the might of ideology and the well-prepared army with no
ideology is nothing but undisciplined army and when soldiers become true
patriotic soldiers who know the Party, the country and the people before
learning about battles, victory always comes to their side, he called for more
wonderfully cultivating and giving full play to the political and ideological
advantages peculiar to the KPA and thus preparing the soldiers more firmly
as the strongest in mental power.
Saying that in intensifying the ideological education among the service
personnel, class education is an important task which can never be neglected
even a moment, he called for intensifying the education in an offensive way
to make all the service personnel cherish the transparent sense of the enemy
and their outlook on the arch enemy as their faith.
The revolutionary armed forces of the DPRK in which the whole ranks were
prevailed by the indomitable heroic spirit and fighting spirit that no army in
the world can imitate will grow stronger in the future, too and will become
war deterrents making the enemy not dare to provoke, being afraid of its
prestige and entity alone, he stressed.
All the combatants were filled with revolutionary enthusiasm and high spirit
to become the best standard-bearers who defend our state and people most
honorably and most reliably in the vanguard of the advance always by
striving to build more perfect capability for real war with a firm patriotic
spirit, bearing in mind the great trust and expectation of Kim Jong Un who
visited their training ground and gave them the ever-victorious war method
and militant encouragement. -0-

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