سفارة جمهورية كوريا الديمقراطية الشعبية


تقرير عن زيارة الرئيس بوتن لكوريا الديمقراطية الشعبية

2024-06-20 11:23:13
تقرير عن زيارة الرئيس بوتن لكوريا الديمقراطية الشع
تقرير عن زيارة الرئيس بوتن لكوريا الديمقراطية الشع

Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Hosts Banquet for Russian President

Pyongyang, June 20 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, hosted a banquet on Wednesday evening in welcome of President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin's visit to the DPRK.

Present there on invitation were Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation Sergei Lavrov, First Deputy Prime Minister Denis Mantrov, Deputy Prime Minister Alexandr Nobak, Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration and President's Press Secretary Dmitri Peskov, Aide to the President of Russia for Foreign Policy Yuri Ushakov, Minister of Defense Andrei Beloussov, Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology and Chairman of the Russian side to the Russia-DPRK Inter-governmental Committee for Cooperation in Trade, Economy, Science and Technology Alexandr Kozlov, Minister of Health Mikhail Murashuko and Minister of Transport Roman Starovoyt, other entourage members and Russian Ambassador to the DPRK Alexandr Matsegora and staff members of his embassy.

On hand were Kim Tok Hun, vice-president of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK and premier of the Cabinet, Choe Ryong Hae, first vice-president of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK and chairman of the Standing Committee of the Supreme People's Assembly, Foreign Minister Choe Son Hui, secretaries of the Central Committee of the WPK and other senior officials of the Party, the government and the military.

When Kim Jong Un appeared at the banquet hall together with Putin, all the participants welcomed with enthusiastic applause the top leaders of the two countries who are ushering in a new heyday of the DPRK-Russia friendship with their rare wisdom and outstanding leadership.

Kim Jong Un made a speech in welcome of Vladimir Putin's visit to the DPRK.

Warmly welcoming President Putin, who visited Pyongyang, the capital city of the DPRK, again as he did 24 years ago when greeting a new millennium, and all other Russian friends, he extended his profound respect and warm fraternal greetings to the Russian government and people on behalf of the DPRK government and people.

He expressed his excitement of sharing the table at the banquet welcoming Putin, the highest honoured state guest of the Korean people, on the historic day when the great event of concluding the most powerful and comprehensive new inter-state treaty took place in the DPRK-Russia friendly relations.

He expressed once again his heartfelt thanks to Putin for fully showing in practice his will to write a new history of the DPRK-Russia relations and guarantee the eternal well-being of the peoples in the two countries and their future for the next one hundred years, saying that today's great event witnessed in the development course of the DPRK-Russia relations is the brilliant fruit of President Putin's decision, efforts and meticulous care.

Saying that it is the greatest pride and honor of the DPRK to have a powerful state like Russia as a strategic partner and an ally, he clarified the invariable stand of the DPRK government to permanently develop the invincible DPRK-Russia friendly relations while strongly supporting and cooperating in various fields with the Russian Federation in an all-round way on the basis of a new inter-state treaty.

Kim Jong Un proposed a toast to the good health of the respected Comrade Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, ceaseless prosperity of Russia, the most friendly neighbor, the immortality of the invincible DPRK-Russia friendly relations to be envied by the world and the health of all comrades and friends present at the banquet.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin made a reply address.

He expressed once again his sincere thanks to Comrade Kim Jong Un and all other friends of the DPRK for inviting him to pay a state visit to the excellent DPRK.

Saying that he was deeply impressed by the kind banquet, he said that the talks confirmed the mutual interest to further develop equal and reciprocal cooperation.

Recalling that the two countries have steadily strengthened the ties of comradely relations, fraternal support and good-neighborly cooperation, on the basis of the glorious traditions provided by the preceding generations, under the unstable world situation, he stressed that the two countries are proactively cooperating with each other in the international arena to promote peace, stability and prosperity in the region and the rest of the world and jointly struggling against the hegemony and neo-colonialist practices of the U.S. and its vassal forces and the attempts to impose the development model and view of value that have nothing to do with the two countries.

Citing a saying common to Russia and the DPRK "a good neighbor is better than a brother far off", he said that such public wisdom reflects the character of the relations between the two countries.

Putin proposed a toast to further strengthening of friendship and cooperation between the Russian Federation and the DPRK, the well-being and prosperity of the peoples of the two countries and the good health of Comrade Kim Jong Un, president of the State Affairs, and the friends of the DPRK present at the banquet.

The banquet proceeded in an amicable atmosphere overflowing with friendly feelings. -0-

Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Has Talks with President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin

Pyongyang, June 20 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, had talks with Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, president of the Russian Federation, on June 19.

Prior to the talks, the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un had a photo taken with Comrade Putin against the background of the national flags of the two countries at the Kumsusan State Guesthouse.

Present at the talks from the DPRK side were Kim Tok Hun, premier of the DPRK Cabinet, Choe Son Hui, foreign minister of the DPRK, Pak Jong Chon, vice-chairman of the Central Military Commission of the WPK and secretary of the C.C., WPK, Kim Song Nam, international department director of the C.C., WPK, Yun Jong Ho, minister of External Economic Relations who is chairman of the DPRK side to the DPRK-Russia Inter-governmental Committee for Cooperation in Trade, Economy, Science and Technology, and Im Chon Il, vice-minister of Foreign Affairs.

Present from the Russian side were Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, First Deputy Prime Minister Denis Mantrov, Deputy Prime Minister Alexandr Nobak, Aide to the President of Russia for Foreign Policy Yuri Ushakov, Minister of Defense Andrei Beloussov, Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology and Chairman of the Russian side to the Russia-DPRK Inter-Governmental Committee for Cooperation in Trade, Economy, Science and Technology Alexandr Kozlov, other entourage members and Russian Ambassador to the DPRK Alexandr Matsegora.

At the talks Kim Jong Un, on behalf of the DPRK government and people, warmly welcomed President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin on a state visit to the DPRK with feelings of friendship and comradeship.

Noting that great wave of welcome, which pervaded the streets of Pyongyang today, vividly reflects the present state of the relations between the two countries in a new era of overall efflorescence, he said that Putin's visit would be a strategic one of significance in developing the DPRK-Russia good-neighborly relations, further consolidating the friendship between the peoples of the two countries and the basis of their mindsets and defending global peace and stability.

Appreciating the important mission and role of the Russian Federation in foiling the imperialists' hegemony policy, maintaining the strategic stability and balance of the world and building a peaceful multi-polar world, he affirmed that the DPRK government would further strengthen the strategic communication with the Russian leadership to cope with the ever-changing complicated international political situation and consolidate the solid foundation for the invincible DPRK-Russia friendship and solidarity.

Putin said that he was very pleased to visit the DPRK at the invitation of President of the State Affairs Kim Jong Un, adding that the Russia-DPRK relations have vigorously developed in all fields, including politics, economy and culture, since the historic meeting at the Vostochny Spaceport.

Noting that he was deeply touched by the sincere welcome of Pyongyang citizens today, he said he was greatly impressed at the very beautiful appearance of Pyongyang, the capital city of the DPRK, which has changed beyond recognition, thanks to the wise guidance of Comrade Kim Jong Un and the devoted efforts of the diligent Korean people.

Saying that the deep friendship and close good-neighborly relations based on the principle of equality and mutual respect are linking the Russian Federation with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, he expressed belief that the current talks would prove very effective.

The top leaders of the two countries openly discussed the long-term plans for steadily expanding the practical action measures for comprehensively implementing the agreements reached at the summit in September 2023 and for promoting mutual trust by further boosting the multi-faceted exchange and cooperation between the two countries.

At the talks, they had a wide-ranging and in-depth exchange of views on the crucial changes recently taking place in the world political arena and on the international and regional issues of mutual concern, and reached a consensus. They also discussed the important issues arising in further deepening the strategic cooperation and tactical collaboration to promote the well-being of the peoples of the two countries and defend their core interests.

Expressed at the talks was the Russian government's deep apprehension over the negative impact of the irresponsible and unreasonable provocations of the U.S. and its allies seriously threatening the security environment of the Korean peninsula on the sovereign rights and security interests of the DPRK and regional and global peace and stability. And reconfirmed were the full support and solidarity of the DPRK government and people to the Russian government and people as regards the special military operations in Ukraine.

The talks were followed by a tete-a-tete between Kim Jong Un and Putin.

Kim Jong Un discussed important issues with Putin for at least two hours.

The top leaders discussed the issue of putting the relations between the two countries on comprehensive strategic partnership and expanding them in an all-round way and reached a perfect consensus on it and came to satisfactory agreement on the important issues arising in defending regional and global peace and international justice and on the matters of immediate cooperation.

The talks proceeded in a friendly and comradely atmosphere.

After the talks, Kim Jong Un presented a gift to Putin in commemoration of his visit to the DPRK.

Putin expressed deep thanks for this and presented Kim Jong Un with a gift reflecting his utmost sincerity.

The historic Pyongyang talks between the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un and the respected Comrade Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is a great event as the injected great vitality into the power-building cause of the peoples of the two countries, who are dynamically advancing along the road of justice and truth with anti-imperialist independence as their ideological basis, and opened up a new heyday of friendship between the DPRK and Russia and their relations of strategic cooperation. -0-

Grand Ceremony Held to Welcome President of Russian Federation

Hundreds of Thousands of Pyongyang Citizens Greet President of Russian Federation as Highest Honoured Guest of State

Pyongyang, June 20 (KCNA) -- Pyongyang, the capital city of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, has greeted a goodwill mission of the fraternal Russian people as the highest honoured guests of the state and is filled with a welcoming atmosphere.

Large portraits of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin were displayed on the fronts of high-rise apartment buildings and skyscrapers draped with the national flags of the DPRK and the Russian Federation in the capital city. Seen standing in different parts of the city were posters and signboards bearing such slogans and catchwords as "Welcome to President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin", "Welcome to Putin", "Long Live Invincible DPRK-Russia Friendship and Unity!" and "DPRK-Russia Friendship Is Everlasting!"

Both sides of streets extending scores of ris, decorated with beautiful flowerbeds, flags and buntings of five colours, were crowded with a large number of people from all walks of life who came out to greet the dearest friend from a friendly neighboring country.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin's presidential limousine, which left the Kumsusan State Guest House, escorted by motorcycles, was given a rapturous welcome by Pyongyang citizens along the route.

The citizens enthusiastically waved the national flags of the two countries and bouquets, chanting welcoming slogans with warm feelings about the militant kinship between the DPRK and Russia which are boldly opening up the new horizon of friendly and cooperative relations through full mutual support and selfless encouragement for the joint cause despite geographical differences.

Along Ryomyong Street and Kaeson Street and on the roadside at the foot of Moran Hill where the Liberation Tower symbolic of the militant friendship between the peoples of the DPRK and Russia stands, citizens expressed their deep respect and trust in Putin.

A ceremony for welcoming the president of the Russian Federation took place at Kim Il Sung Square on June 19.

The national flags of the DPRK and the Russian Federation were fluttering and the guard of honor of the Korean People's Army (KPA), the honorary cavalry and the central military band of the Ministry of National Defence lined up at the square richly decorated for that day's grand ceremony.

Present there were Kim Tok Hun, vice-president of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK and premier of the Cabinet, Choe Ryong Hae, first vice-president of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK and chairman of the Standing Committee of the Supreme People's Assembly, Choe Son Hui, foreign minister of the DPRK, secretaries of the Central Committee of the WPK and other senior officials of the Party and the government.

Also present at the ceremony were Kang Sun Nam, minister of National Defence of the DPRK, and other commanding officers of the ministry.

Pyongyangites, service personnel of the KPA, youth and students and children stood with national flags of the two countries and bouquets in their hands.

Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the DPRK, came to the venue for the ceremony.

At 12:00 President Putin's limousine arrived at Kim Il Sung Square.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un warmly greeted Comrade Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin amid the playing of welcome music.

Kim Jong Un introduced the leading officials of the Party, government and military to Putin.

Kim Jong Un exchanged greetings with Foreign Minister of Russian Federation Sergei Lavrov, First Deputy Prime Minister Denis Mantrov, Deputy Prime Minister Alexandr Nobak, Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration and President's Press Secretary Dmitri Peskov, Aide to the President of Russia for Foreign Policy Yuri Ushakov, Minister of Defense Andrei Beloussov, Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology and Chairman of the Russian Side of the Russia-DPRK Inter-Governmental Committee for Cooperation in Trade, Economy, Science and Technology Alexandr Kozlov, Minister of Health Mikhail Murashuko, Minister of Transport Roman Starovoyt and other entourage members of the Russian side.

A ceremony of welcoming the Russian president began.

When Kim Jong Un took the platform together with Putin, a 21-gun salute was boomed amid the playing of the national anthems of the Russian Federation and the DPRK.

Putin received a salute from the head of the guard of honor of the KPA.

Guided by Kim Jong Un, Putin reviewed the guard of honor of the KPA.

There took place a march-past of the guard of honor of the KPA.

At the end of the ceremony, a great number of balloons rose up into the sky amid rousing cheers, beautifully decorating the bright sky of June.

Fighter jets of the KPA air force flew past the sky above the square, giving off tricolor haze symbolic of the national flag of the Russian Federation.

Putin expressed his heartfelt thanks to Kim Jong Un for paying deep attention to his Pyongyang visit and lavishing cordial hospitality on him.

Kim Jong Un and Putin took the open limousine amid the waves of flowers and dancing at the square.

The masses cheered enthusiastically, looking up to the top leaders who have more firmly cemented the durable and genuine ties of friendship between the DPRK and Russia with a long history and tradition and confidently led them to the road of comprehensive and strategic development as required by the new era.

The top leaders of the DPRK and Russia warmly acknowledged the cheering crowds.

The ceremony of welcoming Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin's visit to the DPRK at time-honored Kim Il Sung Square was recorded as a historic event that clearly demonstrated the friendship, unity and genuine relations of comrade-in-arms between the peoples of the two countries. -0-

www.kcna.kp (Juche113.6.20.)

Highest Order of DPRK Awarded to Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin

Pyongyang, June 20 (KCNA) -- The Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK and the Standing Committee of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK decided to award the Order of Kim Il Sung, the highest order of the DPRK, to Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, president of the Russian Federation, who has performed great feats in developing the good neighborly relations between the DPRK and Russia with long historical traditions into the strategic partnership and invincible relations of alliance as required by the new era.

An awarding ceremony took place on June 19.

Present there were Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation Sergei Lavrov, First Deputy Prime Minister Denis Mantrov, Deputy Prime Minister Alexandr Nobak, Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration and President's Press Secretary Dmitri Peskov, Aide to the President of Russia for Foreign Policy Yuri Ushakov, Minister of Defense Andrei Beloussov and other suite members, and Russian Ambassador to the DPRK Alexandr Matsegora.

Saying that he deems it a great honour to award the Order of Kim Il Sung, the highest order of the DPRK, to Comrade Vladimir Putin, who has performed distinguished exploits for the development of the DPRK-Russia relations and their future, as the highest expression of the DPRK government and people's profound respect and trust in Comrade Vladimir Putin, Comrade Kim Jong Un read out the joint decision of the WPK Central Committee, the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK and the Standing Committee of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK on awarding the order, and personally awarded the order to Putin.

Putin expressed deep thanks to Kim Jong Un and the DPRK government and people. -0-

Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Deepens Friendship with Comrade Putin, Spending Time together in Garden of Kumsusan State Guesthouse

Pyongyang, June 20 (KCNA) -- The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un deepened his friendship with Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, president of the Russian Federation, spending time together in the garden of the Kumsusan State Guesthouse after the signing ceremony of the historic "Treaty on the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership between the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the Russian Federation."

Taking in turn the driver's seat of the car presented to Kim Jong Un by Putin as a gift, the top leaders of the two countries enjoyed driving along the path of the beautiful garden of the guesthouse.

Highly appreciating the performance of the car, Kim Jong Un expressed thanks to the Russian president again for the excellent gift.

On a walkway to the rosarium and the garden, the top leaders of the DPRK and Russia had a friendly and sincere talk.

Through the significant meetings and talks at the Vostochny Spaceport and in Pyongyang, the top leaders shared their deep emotion and joy of laying a solid foundation for the development of the DPRK-Russia relations in the new era. They also discussed a series of important plans for safeguarding the common core interests while deepening the strategic partnership and alliance relations between the two countries.

Appreciating that they reached a satisfactory consensus on the important issues for realizing the common ideals and goals through the Pyongyang meeting, they expressed their will to continue to vigorously promote the DPRK-Russia good neighborly relations based on excellent history and traditions onto a new higher stage meeting the aspiration and desire of the peoples of the two countries.

Kim Jong Un presented a pair of Phungsan, national dogs of the DPRK, to Putin as a gift in the garden of the Kumsusan State Guesthouse.

Putin expressed his thanks to Kim Jong Un for it. -0-

Welcoming Performance Given for Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin

Pyongyang, June 20 (KCNA) -- A grand performance was given at the Pyongyang Indoor Stadium on Wednesday to welcome Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, president of the Russian Federation who is paying a state visit to the DPRK, while further deepening the ties of friendship between the two countries.

Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, enjoyed the performance together with Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, president of the Russian Federation.

Kim Jong Un greeted Vladimir Putin at the plaza of the Pyongyang Indoor Stadium.

When Kim Jong Un appeared at the auditorium together with Putin, all the participants paid the highest tribute to the top leaders who have put the sacred cause for the common well-being, development and prosperity of the DPRK and Russia and the peoples of the two countries, and genuine international justice and peace, on a new strategic stage, and confidently led them to a steady success.

Present there on invitation were Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation Sergei Lavrov, First Deputy Prime Minister Denis Mantrov, Deputy Prime Minister Alexandr Nobak, Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration and President's Press Secretary Dmitri Peskov, Aide to the President of Russia for Foreign Policy Yuri Ushakov, Minister of Defense Andrei Beloussov, Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology and Chairman of the Russian Side of the Russia-DPRK Inter-Governmental Committee for Cooperation in Trade, Economy, Science and Technology Alexandr Kozlov, Minister of Health Mikhail Murashuko, Minister of Transport Roman Starovoyt and other suite members and Russian Ambassador Alexandr Matsegora and staff members of the Russian embassy here.

Among the audience were Kim Tok Hun, vice-president of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK and premier of the Cabinet, Choe Ryong Hae, first vice-president of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK and chairman of the Standing Committee of the Supreme People's Assembly, Choe Son Hui, foreign minister of the DPRK, secretaries of the WPK Central Committee, other senior officials of the Party, government and military, officials of the WPK Central Committee, ministries and national agencies, Pyongyangites, youth and students.

The national anthems of the Russian Federation and the DPRK were played.

Put on the stage of the performance, which began with a ceremony of the combined military band, were numbers reflecting the revolutionary mettle, noble patriotic spirit and national emotion of the peoples of the DPRK and Russia, fully displayed in the sacred decades for overcoming all challenges of history and defending justice and truth.

The performers sang in high praises of the prestige of the heroic Korean people who are carrying out the great cause of building a rich country with strong army, demonstrating their dignity with independence and achieving epoch-making victories and great changes by dint of self-reliance and self-defence under the guidance of the great Workers' Party of Korea.

The audience was touched by the famous songs of Russia truthfully representing the Russian people's true patriotism, dedications to their country and strong desire to build a prosperous and powerful state without fail.

The Russian song "The Sacred War," sang by a male chorus, served as militant encouragement to the army and people of Russia who are displaying matchless bravery and patriotism in the struggle to firmly defend the inviolable dignity, sovereign right, security, development and interests of the country under the leadership of Putin.

The audience waved the national flags of the two countries and cheered to the tune of the beautiful and elegant melodies and dances on the stage, expressing their deep reverence for the dear friend from a friendly neighboring country.

A portrait of Comrade Putin, who is energetically guiding the building of a strong Russia while uniting society and people with his experienced political ability and strong will and bolstering up the national power, was displayed in the background.

The performance was highly acclaimed by the audience as it represented the invincibility of the common ideal and cause of the peoples of the two countries and their feelings of friendship.

Kim Jong Un and Putin conveyed a floral basket to the performers in congratulation of their successful performance.

Expressing his impressive feelings on the very wonderful performance, Putin requested Kim Jong Un to give his warm greetings to the performers.

The audience was deeply impressed by the performance as it gave a vivid artistic description of the friendly feelings of the people of the DPRK toward Putin and the fraternal Russian people. -0-

President Putin Lays Wreath at Liberation Tower

Pyongyang, June 20 (KCNA) -- Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, president of the Russian Federation who is paying a state visit to the DPRK, laid a wreath at the Liberation Tower on June 19.

Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, came to the Liberation Tower to greet Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, president of the Russian Federation.

The guard of honor of the Korean People's Army (KPA) lined up at the tower.

The national anthems of the Russian Federation and the DPRK were played.

A wreath in the name of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin was laid before the tower amid the playing of the wreath-laying music.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un and Comrade Putin paid silent tribute to the memory of the fallen fighters of the Soviet Army who unhesitatingly dedicated their precious lives to the sacred war for Korea's liberation with a noble sense of mission for the cause of internationalism.

There took place a march-past of the guard of honor of the KPA.

The militant comradeship and friendship between the armies and peoples of the two countries that were forged with blood will be immortal and the noble self-sacrificing spirit displayed by the fine sons and daughters of the Russian people and their merits will remain long in the memory of the Korean people along with the Liberation Tower. -0-

Russian President Leaves Pyongyang after Paying State Visit to DPRK

Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Warmly Sends off Comrade Putin

Pyongyang, June 20 (KCNA) -- Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, president of the Russian Federation, who paid a state visit to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea at the invitation of Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the DPRK, left Pyongyang by the presidential plane at night of June 19 after successfully finishing his visit schedule.

At the Pyongyang meeting, which recorded a new page in the history of the DPRK-Russia relations of friendship and cooperation proud of a long history and good tradition, the top leaders of the two countries further deepened their comradely relationship firmly based on the noble ideology and brought about important and meaningful results in ensuring the long-term development of the strategic and future-oriented DPRK-Russia relations and comprehensively expanding them in the new era.

That day Pyongyang citizens warmly saw off the closest and precious friends along streets of the capital city full of the DPRK people's special respects and sincere feelings of friendship towards President Putin and the Russian people.

The DPRK people's will to further strengthen full support and solidarity with the Russian people struggling for independence, peace, justice and truth and further deepen the ties of friendship and unity between the DPRK and Russia were fully displayed at the roadsides.

The guard of honor of the Korean People's Army lined up at the stopping place of Pyongyang International Airport, where the national flags of the DPRK and the Russian Federation were fluttering, and a large number of people and pretty children stood with flowers.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un came to Pyongyang International Airport to send off President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

Present at the airport were Choe Son Hui, foreign minister of the DPRK, Pak Jong Chon, vice-chairman of the Central Military Commission of the WPK and secretary of the C.C., WPK, Jo Yong Won, secretary of the C.C., WPK, Kim Song Nam, director of the International Department of the C.C., WPK, and Kim Yo Jong, vice department director of the C.C., WPK.

Seen there were Alexandr Matsegora, Russian ambassador to the DPRK, and his embassy members.

An array of cars carrying friends of Russia, a close neighboring country, arrived at the airport amid warm send-off by the citizens.

A ceremony took place to see off Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

The national anthems of the DPRK and the Russian Federation were played.

Kim Jong Un, together with Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, reviewed the guard of honor of the KPA.

Putin bid farewell to senior state officials of the DPRK who came to send him off.

Kim Jong Un said that he was very satisfied with the fact that he further deepened the genuine comradely friendship with Comrade Putin and reached excellent agreements consolidating the cornerstone of the DPRK-Russia relations in the new era, even though his stay in the DPRK was not long, adding that it is the consistent stand of the WPK and the DPRK government to attach the utmost importance to the friendship and cooperation between the two countries and steadily develop them.

He warmly said that the WPK and the DPRK government will fully support and encourage the sacred cause of Russia for building a powerful country and achieving independence and justice in the future, too, and that he and the DPRK people will always be with Comrade Putin and the Russian people, wishing the president safety on his way home.

Putin expressed his heartfelt thanks to the DPRK government and people for having offered warm hospitality and organized grand events for him with utmost sincerity during his visit and to President of the State Affairs Kim Jong Un for having shown special care to ensure that his Pyongyang visit could produce a wonderful and satisfactory result.

The two top leaders warmly embraced each other and shook hands, promising to steadily develop the friendly and cooperative relations and militant unity between the DPRK and the Russian Federation, which have reached a new strategic level, in conformity with the aspirations and desire of the peoples of the two countries.

The presidential plane of Putin left Pyongyang International Airport.

That day Putin visited the Jongbaek Church before leaving Pyongyang.

The visit to the DPRK by Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, which recorded the most brilliant page in the history of the great DPRK-Russia friendship and unity, serves as an important occasion of providing fresh vitality and great motive power to the progress and development of the two countries advancing with the goal of building a powerful state. -0-

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